Christ UMC
About Us
The Preschool and Playtime Express programs at Christ United Methodist Church set the stage for lifelong learning and adventure. Our trained and certified staff has enriched young lives in the North Penn area for more than 25 years.
We provide experiences and activities to stimulate cognitive and affective growth. In addition, we promote awareness of God's loving presence in life especially through His son, Jesus Christ, and offer each child the opportunity to explore his or her uniqueness as a child of God. We are a non-profit, self-supporting community outreach program independent of Christ United Methodist Church.
Our early childhood programs stimulate physical, intellectual, social and emotional growth in a safe and nurturing environment. Our curriculum emphasis at each level is helping children obtain competency as they explore their world. Enrollment is open to children 24 months of age through pre-kindergarten.
Our program offering ensures parents a variety of options during their child's early years. Program flexibility allows parents to extend the school day to meet their youngster's learning needs. On-going personal contact with the director, staff and teachers provides parents an accurate account of their child's developmental progress and milestones.
For more information or
to schedule a visit, contact
Preschool Director
Darlene Adams