Christ UMC

Tots (ages 2 turning 3)
The Tots Program is a flexible, semi-structured morning program from 9:10-11:45am that introduces young children to their first learning experience away from home.
This program is for children ages 24 months turning 3 years old. The morning includes outdoor play, games, crafts, music, snacks, story and circle time.
Parents select a Mon/Wed session or a Tues/Thurs session. Each class will have a Lead Teacher and an Assistant Teacher.
​Preschool (ages 3-5yrs)
The Preschool Express program includes classes for three, four and five-year-olds. Morning sessions are from 9:10-11:45am.
Children entering a three-year-old class must be age three by September 1st. The three-year-old program encourages socialization, language development and skills in large and fine motor coordination.
Entrants for the PreKindergarten 4 class must be age four by September 1st. The four-year-old program encourages readiness skill development, large and fine motor coordination, problem solving and peer cooperation skills.
Tuition is based on two, three or four-day a week attendance schedule. Each class will have a Lead Teacher and an Assistant Teacher.
Enrichment Class (Pre-K)
In addition to our sessions for children enrolled in our Pre-K 4 year old programs, we offer an Enrichment Opportunity for your child. Perhaps your child would love to have an extra day of creative learning experiences, and can join the class that meets on Tuesday mornings, September through May.
This class adds one additional half-day morning to your child’s week so he/she would attend CUMC 4 days per week. Children will LOVE this extra-special, theme-based class!
The children will explore a wide range of themes, crafts, literature and activities that involve STEM, creative writing, and mini projects and more! Each class will have a Lead Teacher and an Assistant Teacher.

Special Programs
Lunch Bunch
The Lunch Bunch Express is loaded with fun and looking for passengers! We would love to have your child join us for lunch.
Lunch Bunch Parent(s) will provide the child’s (nut-free) lunch: drink, napkin, hand wipe, in a labeled disposable bag or lunch box.
Lunch Bunch takes place on Monday and Wednesday afternoon from 12:00-2:00 PM. Children must be fully toilet trained. The children will gather in a classroom and have a supervised lunch, play inside and outside, weather permitting, and engage in age-appropriate play activities and stories. ​
Activities and Special Events
Throughout the school year, we offer a variety of activities, special events, holiday celebrations, guests and field trips to create a multidimensional learning experience.
We invite parents to share our quest for learning, and welcome their time and talents. In keeping with our ecumenical philosophy, the church pastors are invited occasionally to share classroom lessons and activities.